Category: Uncategorized

  • It’s been weird

    It has been weird and sometimes difficult to make art lately. I am having a hard time concentrating and settling down to make shit. I have been working here and there, and will post something here soon once I get some pictures. Stay safe, wear your mask and for fucks sake go vote.

  • Jack o’ lantern Day 3

    Day three. I am having a hard time not picking up all the paint when I lay a new brush stroke down. The blue stays down fine, maybe it’s the orange I’m using. Like most things these are way prettier in my head, and they are nowhere near the look of the old painting I…

  • Inktober Day Eleven

  • New Watercolor

    Here’s a watercolor that I did the other night. Lately I’ve doing nothing but watercolors in my sketchbooks. This is on Fabriano Artistico paper. There is a huge difference working on 100% cotton paper vs. the sketchbooks. Maybe i’ll make a few examples to show what I mean.  Fall is coming.

  • I’m a fucking idiot

    Well, during an update to my site and being unfamiliar with the program I using, I ended up deleting everything on the sever and had to restore everything. Fortunately the server had a backup of this blog, unfortunately it was from May 2016. I’ll be posting the stuff I had up here little by little.

  • New Year

    Happy New Year!

  • Drawlloween Day 8

    Drawlloween Day 8: Zombie

  • A Handmaids Tale

    It’s been quiet around here. I am currently taking an illustration class and my newest project is to create a book cover for the ‘Handmaidens Tale’. Here is my initial sketch for the cover. After doing this sketch I took into Photoshop and painted a tighter version of the sketch. I then started to paint…

  • Book Cover Design

    As an assignment for an illustration class we were to design a book cover for any sci-fi or mystery novel that we wanted. I decided to make something up. My first choice was “Annihilation of the Arachnoids”, what’s not to like mechanical spiders, stuff blowing up, bad ass. After sketching around a bit I decided that…

  • Wireframe Pt. 2

    Ok so I just learned about media quires. So here is the new version of the wireframes for this project. It should be responsive, go on try it on something other than the computer, or resize the browser window. Bad ass. Wireframe